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Selectmen Minutes 04/28/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 28, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Richard Holloran, Barbara Frangione, Bette Bogdan, Allen & Cindy Mayville, Mike Paveglio, John Dever, Doug Hall, Richard Moore, James Kee and Brandon Giuda

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Subject: Space Needs
Present: SNC members Mike Paveglio & Barbara Frangione and new member Brandon Giuda   

Chairman MacCleery cited the Boardís desire to expand the scope of the current committee to include addressing the space needs at all town facilities and informed the group that Stan Brehm has approached the Selectmen with an offer to sell his office building on Route 4, known as Willow Hill, to the town for new town office/police facility.

The Selectmen would like the committee to study this feasibility and to gather information and create a current list of all building deficiencies and lack of adequate space in determining what the needs of the town are.  

This committee would remain in an advisory capacity and its work would compliment the Master Plan Update and the Capital Improvements Program.  

Lisa was directed to solicit for additional members and schedule a meeting by the middle of June.

Subject: Budget Committee vacancy
Present: Mike Paveglio

Mike met with the Board to discus his interest in becoming a budget committee member.  Mike stated that as a former department head he believes he has a lot to offer to the process.  In his career, Mike deals with multi-million dollars budgets.  Mike stated he has always wanted to be on the budget committee and had expressed interest last year as well.  Selectman DeBold stated that Mike had his vote this year as well as last.
Chairman MacCleery asked Mike why he had resigned from the CIP Committee. Mike answered that at the time, his job demanded a lot of travel and he was not able to give 100% commitment to the committee and did not feel it was fair for him to remain on the committee in that capacity.  The travel demands have since become a non-issue.  Mr. Hall commented that while on the committee, Mike was a great asset.

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BOS minutes
April 28, 2009

Motion Selectman Jordan, second Selectman DeBold, to appoint Mike Paveglio to the Budget Committee for a three year term.  All were in favor, motion carried.


The Board reviewed correspondence from CLD Engineering regarding project details for the Depot Street Bridge repair project. Selectman DeBold will follow-up with the engineer, Rob Ricard.

The Board reviewed the letter drafted to Bruce Luksza regarding the improperly permitted sign.  Building Inspector John Dever updated the Board on his discussion with Mr. Luksza explaining his mistake and asking Mr. Luksza to remove the sign.  Mr. Luksza told Mr. Dever he would think about it and wait to see what the letter from the town stated.  The Board believes Mr. Luksza to be operating a business without an approval from the Planning Board.  After correction as to what part of zoning to cite, the Board signed the letter to Mr. Luksza.  

SUBJECT: Board concerns; CIP requests for information
Present: CIP members Doug Hall & Richard Moore

Selectman DeBold began by stating his initial concerns while reviewing email discussions amongst the CIP committee that are copied to the Board of Selectmen, more particularly the list and type of technical and engineering questions to be asked for the road project submissions, by the CIP Committee.  Selectman DeBold felt strongly that this level of technical data and engineering questions should be the function of the Road Advisory Committee and the Road Agent, prior to the Road Agentís submission of projects to the CIP Committee.    

Richard Moore stated that was the problem, the questions werenít answered last year and that he had the opportunity to talk with the new Road Agent and discuss the road projects and the desire of the CIP committee to have the Road Advisory Committee participate in the CIP process.  This is the very reason the CIP committee has elected to meet with the RAC and the Road Agent separate from the other department heads to discuss last yearís process and what they would like to change going forward.  The proposed form would be used for the highway department only and once the CIP meet with the other department heads to discuss what worked last year and what didnít, the CIP intends to simplify that form as well.  

Mr. Moore went on to say that the RAC has done a great job over the last three years with identifying the problem roads but the resolution for the roads has not been addressed by the RAC.  

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BOS minutes
April 28, 2009

The CIP committee agrees with Selectman DeBold that this should be a responsibility of the RAC and not the CIP and the committee will work with the Road Agent and the RAC to secure the necessary information on road projects.
Selectman DeBold stated he shared the frustration with the lack of detail the committee received last year on the road projects.

Mr. Moore shared the point that the planlink he has been researching on the internet has lots of consultants that charge a hefty sum for the work our RAC committee has done free of charge.  Mr. Moore also threw out the suggestion that it may be beneficial for the town to have a cursory review of the road projects submitted by an engineering firm but he was just not sure the town would get its money worth.  As far as the road projects submission form, nothing has been finalized by the committee as yet.

Selectman DeBold further stated he was still troubled with the fact that last year the CIP committee voted not to recommend the connecting of Mason & Towle Rd project, as submitted by the Road Agent, not for financial reasons but by what he called political reasons. Selectman DeBold state that the police, fire and highway departments have all expressed their desire, for safety reasons to make that a through road.  The town, on two occasions, some years ago, has voted that article down. The residents of Towle Road had concerns of that road becoming the new shortcut for traffic to avoid the lights at the Main Street and Horse Corner Road intersection.

Selectman DeBold felt this was overstepping their charge by the CIP Committee, to decide on a project for political reasons, but understands that the committeeís charge is to recommend or not recommend any projects that are submitted to them. This in no way prevents the Selectmen and Budget Committee from making their own choice about a project.


The Board discussed an email from Kevin Mara regarding his desire to use the potable water tank owned by the town.  The Board was not aware of whether or not the tank still existed; in fact only Selectman Jordan knew of its existence.  Mr. Mayville recalls the tank, after no longer being used at the Frekey residence, was being stored at the highway shed but to the best of his recollection, it was given to the fire department for their needs.  The Board will check with the Fire Chief as to the tanks whereabouts.

The Board reviewed the rate sheet submitted by CLD Engineering firm, which confirmed their statement to hold the same rates for general engineering services.  Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the contract for general engineering services from current vendor CLD Engineering Consultants. All were in favor, motion carried.

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BOS minutes
April 28, 2009

Chairman MacCleery mentioned he received a phone call from a resident on Bailey Road complaining about patrons from Chucksters parking along the road and referred them to the police department.  Selectman DeBold stated he had received a phone call from Ewen MacKinnon notifying him of the same and that he has driven Bailey Road to monitor the situation himself but has not seen any parking violations.

The Board reviewed the revised Appointments Process and Selectman DeBold moved to adopt the Board Appointment Procedure Policy as presented on April 28, 2009.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

Resident Bogdan inquired as to the status of the trash disposal from the property adjacent to the grange building.  Selectman Jordan indicated he is working on it.  Ms. Bogdan offered her assistance with the cleanup.

There was nothing to report this evening for updates on the outstanding zoning complaints for Weathervane or Patten.  The Board signed a letter for disclosure of number of vehicles for Doucette.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The corrected appointment papers for Zoning Board of Adjustment members Dobson and Wainwright were signed.  An Intent to Cut for map 8, lot 25 was signed.  A Timber Tax levy for map 3, lot 43 & 43-1 was signed.  

The minutes of April 21, 2009, were approved as written.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                    Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                 5/5/09

_________________________    ___________________   _____________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan                   Richard DeBold